Wednesday, February 11, 2015

More Fun with UGA Salaries

I've been playing the last couple of days with UGA salary data (see here and here). In this analysis I look at the salaries by category. For example, the 2014 data lists 18 deans. The salary ranges from $55,643 to $360,395. That low salary is probably someone who was here only part of a year. We spent just over $4 million in dean salaries last year.

Oh, but how about vice presidents, you ask? I show 12 vice presidents, which is probably about 10 too many, with a salary range from $14,187 to $318,600. Again, assume that small number is someone here for only a month or so. So how much in total did UGA spend on vice presidents? Just over $2.3 million.

Department heads? My data says there are 115 of them, ranging in salary from $21,444 to $377,585. As you'd expect, with so many, the total spent was steep, almost $18 million. But don't forget directors, which are kinda like deans and department heads. There are 210 of them in this data ranging in salary from $10,448 to $264,388 at a total cost of over $21 million.

At UGA we also have a lot of deanlets. You know, those associate and assistant deans. How many is hard to say because they go by different titles, but best I can tell there are at least 48 of them with sslaries ranging from $51,667 to $315,909 at a total cost to UGA of over $7 million.

So what do we have the most of? According to the salary data, that would be "student assistant" (5,536 of them), followed by "graduate assistant" (3,434 of them). Those student assistants rack up a cost of over $13 million and those grad students, $55 million. Wow. I would not have guessed that. Then again, if you multiply even crappy pay by the thousands, the dollars add up.

Weirdest Data

* The minimum salary of a "service/maintenance worker" is $8. Sometimes the data get messy. That may be a per hour pay slipping into the annual pay column. It's hard to say. "Laboratory assistant" is similar, ranging from $17 to $39,520.

* There are only eight jobs listed in which only one person holds it. Obviously president, but a few others including "interior design professional."

* UGA has three "dental professional" folks. No idea where. We also have four "dental technical/paraprofessional." Without looking them up, I'd guess either in Pharmacy or Vet or Public Health.

* The data list 45 as "police officer" with a total salary of just over $1.3 million, ranging from $160 to $46,228.

* All in all, the data list 24,524 different employees or former employees with a total salary of $657,129,237.  Wow, $657 million. There were 118 different job categories. What's interesting is the salary data job titles do not match the official UGA job titles, which is much longer, more finely tuned. The salary data lumps a lot of people together.

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