Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Catholics Know

From the NYTimes, a poll of Catholics finds:
  • the majority of Catholics are critical of the pope's handling of the sex abuse scandal.
  • but are confident the Vatican will figure it out and take care of matters correctly.
  • and over half thinks the Vatican is "out of touch" with the needs of Catholics today
  • so everyone dislikes bureaucracy, but they also think the news media have been unfair.
  • and over half think sexual abuse is still happening in the church
  • which makes you wonder what the hell they're complaining about, given without news media coverage none of this would have come out and the friggin church would have kept on doing what it did.  Oops, sorry for that editorial moment...
  • and nearly two-thirds believe bishops covered all this up.
A complete look at the poll is here.  Disclaimer: I'm a practicing Catholic. And pissed about this.

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