Thursday, November 20, 2014

UGA University Council

If you think UGA's University Council is supposed to act as a legislative branch or check on the executive branch (i.e., administration), then think again. The "rule-making" body of the University is presided over by the University president. Imagine Barack Obama in charge of the House or Senate. Yeah, right. To further separate the Council from, say, a faculty senate, look at how the math breaks down.


So administrative types, the ex-officios (deans, VPs, etc.) make up 15.4 percent of the voting body (a cynic might call them administrative lackeys, but that's largely unfair). Students make up 10.1 percent. The 155 faculty and staff are not separated on the site, but lumped together. I can't tell from first glance if this reflects faculty and staff council representation or includes, oddly, a bunch of administrative people. To clear this up I went to the raw data of members. First, while the Council site says there are 208 members, reflected in the table above, my count shows 214. Not sure why the discrepancy other than, perhaps, the site doesn't reflect recent additions of colleges, etc.

Okay, so back to the numbers. By my count there are 126 non-administrative faculty who are on the Council, or 58.9 percent of the body, and 21 students. So the math in the table above doesn't quite add up compared to the database of members, but I may easily be misidentifying someone (but let's face it, I'm probably not).

I mention this because (1) I'm stuck on the Council for three years (2) it just met and (3) it was ironic how many administrative types were there. Just saying. Like a VP is gonna vote against the president.

Oh, and for many "action items" voted on by the Council, the President can simply choose to ignore them. The exceptions are issues of curriculum, the academic calendar, and the guidelines for promotion and tenure.

Wanna check my math? See below.
Alpha Sort of Council Members Number
Associate Provost & University Librarian  1
Campus Dean, Georgia Regents/UGA Medical Partnership  1
Chair, Staff Council  1
College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences  15
College of Education  12
College of Engineering  3
College of Environment & Design  3
College of Family & Consumer Sciences  5
College of Pharmacy  4
College of Public Health  4
College of Veterinary Medicine  10
Dean, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences  1
Dean, College of Education  1
Dean, College of Engineering  1
Dean, College of Environment & Design  1
Dean, College of Family and Consumer Sciences  1
Dean, College of Pharmacy  1
Dean, College of Public Health  1
Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine  1
Dean, Franklin College of Arts & Sciences  1
Dean, Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication  1
Dean, Odum School of Ecology  1
Dean, School of Law  1
Dean, School of Public & International Affairs  1
Dean, School of Social Work  1
Dean, Terry College of Business  1
Dean, Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources  1
Franklin College of Arts & Sciences  43
Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication  4
Interim Dean, The Graduate School  1
Odum School of Ecology  2
Office of the Senior VP for Academic Affairs & Provost  6
Office of the Senior VP for Acadmeic Affairs & Provost  1
Office of the VP for Instruction  3
Office of the VP for Public Service & Outreach  8
Office of the VP for Research  4
Office of the VP for Student Affairs  4
President  1
President, Alumni Association  1
President, Graduate Student Association  1
President, Postdoctoral Association  1
President, Student Government Association  1
Registrar  1
School of Law  4
School of Public & International Affairs  4
School of Social Work  2
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost  1
Staff Counci Representative  1
Staff Council Representative  7
Student Representative, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences  1
Student Representative, College of Education  1
Student Representative, College of Engineering  1
Student Representative, College of Environment & Design  1
Student Representative, College of Family & Consumer Sciences  1
Student Representative, College of Pharmacy  1
Student Representative, College of Public Health  1
Student Representative, Franklin College of Arts & Sciences  6
Student Representative, Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication  1
Student Representative, School of Law  1
Student Representative, School of Public & International Affairs  1
Student Representative, Terry College of Business  1
Student Representative, The Graduate School  2
Terry College of Business  8
The Graduate School  1
Vice President for Development & Alumni Relations  1
Vice President for Finance & Administration  1
Vice President for Instruction  1
Vice President for Public Service & Outreach  1
Vice President for Research  1
Vice President for Student Affairs  1
Vice President, Student Government Association  1
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources  3
Grand Total 214

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