First off, let's be clear -- this is not an analysis of actual content. Rather, this is a survey of people and their perceptions of civility. Actual content studies do exist, one of my favorites being how often in a minute Bill O'Reilly manages to insult someone (answer, every seven seconds, see my post about that study).
What's making things less civil? Survey says:
- Politicians
- Government officials
- The economy
- America's Youth
- Media
- Celebrities
- Corporate America
- Internet/Social Media
- Sports Figures
- Cellphones
- None of the above
- Republicans in Congress are seen as more uncivil than Democrats
- The Occupy movement is more uncivil than the Tea Party
- Schools are a cause of incivility more than pro sports
- Urbanites are the least civil
- Pepsi is more uncivil than Coke (I made this one up)
I don't know, Pepsi is pretty uncivilized. Seems like you could be data to back that one up.
I was going to include which is more uncivil, Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme? Couldn't come up with an answer. Donuts are always civil.
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