Wednesday, July 19, 2017

An Odd Survey

So killing time on the UGA campus, I saw this flier.

So I checked it out. You can too by going here. There's no mention on the flier or on the survey itself who is sponsoring this thing, what's it going to be used for, or anything at all, at least not at the beginning. So I did the survey despite not being a student.

First off, you get a set of "I believe ..." statements and you see a Likert-type response ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Here are some examples of statements:

  • I believe that it is important to talk to others about societal systems of power, privilege, and oppression
  • I believe that it is important to help individuals and groups to pursue their chosen goals in life

That's just from the first page, but you get the idea. Page two gets a little stranger, asking how relevant to your thinking. By page three we return to statements for agreement or disagreement, such as this one:

It is better to do good than to do bad.

And after that we get into classroom stuff, which is fascinating, especially as it asks how you'd consider a professor criticizing you on opinions about gender, sexuality, etc.  It's a rather long page of statements. Near the end we get the standard demographic questions, such as age or major.

Given the UGA logo, I can only assume this survey was sponsored or conducted by a UGA office, but it's hard to tell. The sponsor should be listed. It's not even clear if this survey went through human subjects approval, as their no information about that, or an informed consent.

Very odd.

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